• - Sail Healthy & Stay Well -

    As a licensed pharmacist, keeping you healthy while cruising is my goal. Let’s explore all the ways you can prepare yourself and your medicine cabinet for your travels aboard!

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RO Water and Electrolytes: Do you need to supplement?
Kristine Foley Kristine Foley

RO Water and Electrolytes: Do you need to supplement?

Being able to make clean drinking water with a reverse osmosis (RO) water maker is such a blessing. But what should you do about all those good electrolytes that get removed with all the junk? Do you need to add them back in to your clean drinking water? Read on to learn about the importance of electrolytes and what to do about your RO drinking water.

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Jellyfish Stings
Kristine Foley Kristine Foley

Jellyfish Stings

Getting stung by a jellyfish is never fun. They are painful and leave your skin feeling irritated, itchy, and extremely red. Would you know what to do if you have an unfortunate encounter with a jellyfish? Don’t worry, most stings won’t require a mad dash to the emergency room. Read on to find out which pantry staple will provide the fastest relief and stop the sting.

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How to Stay in Shape on a Boat
Joyce Gauthier Joyce Gauthier

How to Stay in Shape on a Boat

Cruising on a boat may seem like an ‘active lifestyle’ but the truth is often far from that. If you’ve found yourself carrying around a few extra pounds since hoping on your boat, you’ll want to keep reading. Cruising and lounging go hand-in-hand so let’s join Joyce in discovering a few helpful tips on how to stay in shape while cruising.

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Probiotic vs. Prebiotic: What’s the Difference?
Kristine Foley Kristine Foley

Probiotic vs. Prebiotic: What’s the Difference?

Have you been feeling a little off lately? It could be the natural bacteria in your gut are a little off-balance. So what’s the best way to get those good bacteria back in-check? Well that would be probiotics and prebiotics, of course! Read on to learn the difference between the two, what foods you should be eating, and why we need “good” bacteria in our digestive tract to stay healthy.

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Save A Life: Learn CPR
Kristine Foley Kristine Foley

Save A Life: Learn CPR

If someone goes in to cardiac arrest, do you know how to give CPR? CPR, when performed immediately, can increase a person’s chances of survival if their heart or breathing stops. Check out this article to learn the basics of CPR and how to find a class near you.

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Boat Provisioning: Pack These Items to Maximize Nutrition
Joyce Gauthier Joyce Gauthier

Boat Provisioning: Pack These Items to Maximize Nutrition

Provisioning for a long voyage can be a stressful task, especially when you’re unsure how often you’ll be able to find fresh food to resupply. Eating healthy should be a top priority when you’re traveling far from home. In this article, Joyce breaks down some simple ways to pack nutrition on to your boat before you even leave the dock. A well fed crew is a happy crew!

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How to Prevent and Treat Uncontrollable Bleeding
Joyce Gauthier Joyce Gauthier

How to Prevent and Treat Uncontrollable Bleeding

Would you know what to do if faced with a wound that won’t stop bleeding? Learn about a free and quick online course that will provide you with the skills needed to handle a serious bleeding situation. Stop the Bleed kits and courses are a must have if you’re traveling anywhere on your boat. Read on to learn more!

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